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Expert strategies for transforming career, leadership and life

Inspiring both simple and profound changes that cultivate greater clarity, self-awareness, fulfillment, work-life balance, leadership and success.

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Habit Loops Can Help You Achieve Your Goals

Habits can be hard to break, and good habits can be even harder to make routine in our lives. But…

Breaking Barriers: Strategies for Women Leaders to Thrive in the Corporate World

You won’t hear many women say this, but I had an unfair advantage early in life that helped me later…

Let your Core Values be your North Star

Many lost travelers have had their outcomes brightened by the North Star. If you are in the Northern Hemisphere, Polaris…

How Can I Convince My Company to Invest in Me?

Today’s workers want more development opportunities. More than three quarters (76%) of Gen Z employees value learning and consider it…

Overcome Your Fear Of Delegating With These 3 Steps

Imagine I said you had to immediately take a week off work without giving notice to your team. What would…

Go on a Negativity Fast

There is no arguing we are surrounded by a lot of negativities in our lives. Just turn on the nightly…

The Truth about Lying on your Resume 

It may seem harmless to lie about your experience or inflate your job title on your resume, but if you…

How to Activate your Strengths into Superpowers

Leaders face constant challenges and competition, but it’s in those times, you should rely upon your own individual strengths. Once…

Try New Things to Avoid Being Boring

I recently read an article about how when TV writer Rob LaZebnik from The Simpsons turned 60, he realized he had become “boring.” So…

Is Career Cushioning the Work Security You Need?

Worries about job security, inflation, and the uncertain economy are causing workers to engage in what is being called “career…

The New Age of Journaling

I have been journaling for most of my adult life and although my exact process and method have changed over…

How to Get Along with Others at Work

Having worked at the top of organizations for decades, I often have a bird’s eye view of their interpersonal dynamics.…

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We are a Chicago- and Atlanta-based coaching and consulting company passionate about facilitating individual, team and organizational change. We apply cutting-edge, theoretical and practical coaching approaches to help individuals, teams and organizations bring about significant personal and professional transformation.

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