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Inspiring both simple and profound changes that cultivate greater clarity, self-awareness, fulfillment, work-life balance, leadership and success.

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How Can “Deep Practice” Make You a More Effective Leader?

“Good enough” did not catapult Michael Jordan to fame. As elite athletes know, mastering a skill takes practice — a lot of practice.…

What’s Holding Me Back From Reaching My Goals?

“I thought I’d be earning six figures by now.” “I belong to a great gym; why can’t I seem to…

Cultivate Optimism

If the water in your glass hovers around the midway point, would you tend to describe it as being half-full…

How to Overcome Life’s Biggest Regrets

“The past is a great place and I don’t want to erase it or to regret it, but I don’t…

Think Career Coaching for Your Student Is Too Risky?

Worrying seems like part of the job description for parents. Little kids, little problems; bigger kids … As your child…

How to Handle Negative Feedback as a Leader

Most leaders deliver feedback on a regular basis. Feedback from the boss can be potentially rewarding, validating and motivating. But…

Executive Coach Insights: Can Mindfulness Make You a Better Leader?

Maria, a senior executive at a national insurance retailer, loved her job — or at least she used to enjoy…

Executive Courage: Do You Really Have It?

Courage and leadership often go hand in hand. Or so it would seem. Yet, lack of executive courage is one…

The Number One Factor Hindering Your Executive Presence

Imagine that you’re walking into an important meeting. The stakes are high. The outcome matters. Whether it’s a meeting with…

Leadership Strategies to Mitigate the High Cost of Workplace Stress

A slow air leak in a tire may not cause harm — at least not initially. Left unrepaired, however, it…

Neurofeedback – The Mental Health Treatment Alternative

Imagine a drug that had virtually no short-term side effects and no long-term side effects; that worked for a wide…

How to Beat Procrastination: 14 Ways to Break the Cycle

Almost everyone has been afflicted by procrastination at one time or another — that nagging menace that compels us to put…

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Increased performance. Measurable results. Immediate impact. They’re all within your reach — and what we pride ourselves on delivering.

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Who We Are

Jody Michael Associates is a premier coaching company specializing in:

Based in Chicago, we also have offices in Atlanta, San Francisco and New York.